How to FIx if your telegram Channel is removed from Search Ranking
Ater a few New updates from telegram side many channels are removed from the Search and manu channels are blacklisted,
this is due to the new policy from the telegram side where they are actively working toward removing illegal channels from the telegram to make it a safer place for everyone.
How to Rank your channel?
As a telegram channel owner everyone wants their channel to show up on the top in search ranking to get the most traffic and business,
To make your channel on the top you should add as much as PREMIUM MEMBERS using smm panels to keep it good in eyes of telegram search engine,
But recently after the new updates many telegram channels are removed from the search even after adding many premium members in the channel,
How to Re-Rank your channel if it is removed from the search.
If your channel is not showing up in the telegram ranking even after adding a lot of premium members then dont worry you are not alone, we at indian provider received many such feedback where channels were not ranking despite of having premium members, so we did a lot of research in this field and found a solution.
Telegram Boost is the answer.
From our own reseach and feedbacks from our users we came to the conclucsion that apart from telegram premium members telegram boost is helpfull for channel ranking as well.
specially in the situation where the channel was ranking before but it removed from the ranking later, adding the telegram boost and acheving multiple levels of telegram boost can help your channel to reach search ranking again. !
How to Add Telegram Boosts?
We at indianprovider.com did our best to add up some good telegram boost services that will help the channel in re ranking,
You can check our telegram premium boost services on the service page.